Ngee Ann Polytechnic Ngee Ann Polytechnic Website

Teaching & Learning Centre (TLC) journeys with academic staff through their academic career.

TLC inducts all new academic staff to Ngee Ann Polytechnic's (NP) Teaching & Learning (T&L) directions and environment. It ensures that new academic staff are equipped to demonstrate the necessary T&L competencies and IT & Digital competencies, which will enable them to be responsive to emerging trends and be proactive in challenging the frontiers of T&L.

TLC mounts continuing professional development programmes to support the T&L development needs and interests of academic staff as they progress in their careers.

It also works directly with each School/Division to identify specific development needs to support their T&L initiatives or innovations. It then customises development programmes or projects to meet these School/Division or discipline-specific needs.

Learners Together

For stories on T&L@NP, read our e-zine "Learners Together".